There was a girl lost in her kingdom Sitting by window Having the dreams of Prince on the horse. There was a girl lost in her kingdom Dancing on the streets Wishing of a holding hand and bouquet of rose. There was a girl lost in her kingdom Moving across with The high hills ,deep valleys and the running river. There was a girl lost in her kingdom Sitting on the rock With birds chirping the songs of love. There was a girl lost in her kingdom Lying on the bed Freezed by the nightmare of the dark soul. There was a girl lost in her kingdom Into her future with pure heart and soul Being the saviour of the darkest soul. There was a girl lost in her kingdom Sitting for the dinner Accepting the rose as the token of gratitude. There was a girl lost in her kingdom Standing at the mirror Blushing in the rains of love . There was a girl lost in her kingdom Riding on the horse Not with a prince but a reborn heart of the darkest soul.