She sits to pen the sunset The birds calling for their loved once Because soon the blue sky would be changing to grey and then black The humans out there from sunrise Would be soon heading to their homes Some just escaping from the day Some running to meet their beds Some just running to celebrate the surprises awaiting them home And some trying to turn the calendar dates as fast as possible But a few remain Who adore the sunset strolling across the street Walking along the soothing chills of the dawn Sneaking from home , accompanying the lonely roads And few under the fountain escaping from work And for a moment in a day , the trees stand still Leaves not dancing with the wind As if awaiting for something or someone to arrive Something that is never gona happen Or Something, that is awaiting it's perfect timing And suddenly she sees the baby fast asleep in the craddle Does the baby thinks of waking up early Alarming her parents of the sunrise Or sh...