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Showing posts from July, 2018

Have seen sunrises with you

Each of the mornings  I have passed across your place Have searched for you If you are standing for the rail Or awaiting someone's presence If just strolling around with morning breeze Or re-living a nostalgia  Once moment. Each of the mornings I have passed across your street The sleepy eyes are a-bit more awake Incase your smile meets them Like it used to  In the early morning classes Lost in dreams All sleepy and hangover souls Sitting besides eachother Facing a machine mockingly smiling at us And we lazy enough to break the ice And hence smiles fly from east to west and west to east. Each of the mornings I have passed across your place A face lost in his world and tried of catching early rail Reminds me of you, Ignorant of the surrounding But still grasping each of the happenings Not saying much  But enough to be heard  The smirk or shy face covered with loud smile When she said you were looking...

..Not just friends

There was something That kept you to me There was something That holded you from hurting me There was something That shook you when I was sad There was something That kept me awake thinking of you There was something That you heard me always rather giving a deaf hear There was something That bothered my beats , for the thought if you are fine on your corner There was something You never hated me literally There was something That we both thought Something exist , Getter than strangers Lesser than love Unconvincing to be called just friends

The G.R.I.P - Insisting you to stay.

Gripping your shirt, When you are about to leave. Gripping it tight enough To let go off my fears, When scared by scene of 2:30 am Or gossiping silence. Gripping your collar To hold you against me, To minimise the space when in glee of having you as mine. Gripping it for longest, When in mess & Sacred that you might walk away, Not yelling or fighting enough to be with me. That grip would be my way of saying Rather insisting you to stay. In silence. In choas. In bad moods. In love.