Each of the mornings
I have passed across your place
Have searched for you
If you are standing for the rail
Or awaiting someone's presence
If just strolling around with morning breeze
Or re-living a nostalgia
Once moment.
Each of the mornings
I have passed across your street
The sleepy eyes are a-bit more awake
Incase your smile meets them
Like it used to
In the early morning classes
Lost in dreams
All sleepy and hangover souls
Sitting besides eachother
Facing a machine mockingly smiling at us
And we lazy enough to break the ice
And hence smiles fly from east to west and west to east.
Each of the mornings
I have passed across your place
A face lost in his world and tried of catching early rail
Reminds me of you,
Ignorant of the surrounding
But still grasping each of the happenings
Not saying much
But enough to be heard
The smirk or shy face covered with loud smile
When she said you were looking good in the early hours of morning
When all were hoping to doze off
She said you were cute
And you exclaimed it with smile to the monitor
Each of the mornings
I have passed across your place
Have lived ages with you.
Have grown a bit old but with you.
Have seen sunrise rather than sunsets
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