She was out walking the lane
Along with the chills of winter
And when it's winters
It always hot that people prefer
A cup of tea with bundle of pages under title
A blanket either on the couch with love or
On the bed with a horror on the screen
Her mom preferred gossips with dad against the bornfire
But she used to stroll against the lake in the city
With freezed leaves still rustling to the cold wind
With the waves of water cold enough to make noise
With his thoughts
Not whom she adores in the office
Not whom she adored in college
Not whom she finds cute while just passing a thousand other
But someone she is still awaiting
A soul that rejoice with the kid in her
A soul that won't question her silence
A soul who would make legs dance,
Which often are lazy to dance along the beats of her favorite song
A soul that mom says she made for her
Not just to complete her but,
Whom she would complete
Not by accompanying him in the rest ages
But by being his thick in his thin times
But the sudden colder breeze freeze her thoughts
And taking her sight to the person smiling to the vapours of tea cup
A bundle lie lazy in the blanket
But he is out here like her...
She just walks to him bids a 'Hi..'
Living the moment
Living the present
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