He was always a rock
Yelling for lower grades
Bothered by my laziness
Worried for the company I kept for hanging out
And hating all of them for both reasons,
At least for me.
It didn't come planned
It was Christmas night
So I was at the party
For rejoicing with red Monk and vodka's of course
Accompanying the so found better half of mine.
I love wine
I love beer
And vodka are my crushes
So no doubt I was all into them
And the climax of night came in front me dancing
My better half in the arms
Arms not mine , lips of course not mine
Because I was kissing the Red Monk
And indeed you be yourself when you are drunk
Like the humans out there say.
So my love, beer , wine and vodka found the truth of my love
And I being a boy still cried out the vodka and the wine
And somehow I was on the door knocking not sneaking
And he opened the door
And the miracle happens
Christmas night miracle
All the hangover just vanishes off without the lime juice
And I enter the room
Hug my bed and say her name for the last time in the day
And he comes after a couple of minutes with a glass of lime
And handing the glass he narrates -
"Like father like son. It's okay be broken son. I too found your mom soon after my heartbreak. And she got me my career ,my heart and you of course.
It's happy to see kid version of me
It's blissful to see teenage version of me
& All of me again."
Merry Christmas.
Love you my lazy boy.
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