Playing with flicks
Taunting with habits
With words
Naming them
And then trying to hold them around you,
Actually for a known time
Finding a hand to hold
Finding a shoulder to ly down
Find the place next to them comfortable
Trying to know every bit of the person
Trying to have them smiling always
Dreadful of the below questions
How does that matter to you ?
Who am I to you ?
Why should I tell you this ?
Why do you want to know this ?
Why this ?
Why that ?
Can we talk to clear this ?
Can we just be friends ?
Her smile is so cute.
He is looking so hot.
He talks so nicely.
She cares to much.
He takes care of every bit of my situations.
She like strolling with me.
He likes talking with me.
Fighting with
It's complicated
It's simple
There nothing like this
There nothing like that
Life flirts with every one of us
But never keeps anyone of us as the destiny
Or the soulmate
And tomorrow it will again flirt with you
With a new hope
With a new face
Or may be the old but in a different shade of beauty or voice
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