When in playgroup she was clueless of it
Often she would question mom of the magalsutra
Often she would question her wearing sindoor
And when she grew to enter pre-primary
She came to know a word called marriage
Enjoying the music and ice cream in the marriages she grew older
And then there came a day when she played a game
With her Barbie.
Asking mom to buy her a saree and jewels
And of course find the best groom for her Barbie
When old enough to think of hers
She was nervous, scared and numbed by the thoughts of it.
She had someone she wanted
She had someone her parents wanted to be hers
She had few dreams to fulfil before it
She had certain goals to conquer before it
And also were the best reasons to build a wall around her
When the noise come music of marriage was bought up
She then started throwing hints
Into the air
In the mail box
In the talks
And wherever possible
Of her feeling for him
Of how she wants to be with him
She felt a bit less nervous .
It sounded less scary to imagine to known face
Then the unknown just after she opens her eye in morning
A bit more comfortable to spoil the dinner for him
But now a days rains don't drizzle in rainy season
The just come and go when they feel like rejoicing
So was he
He just vanished
She made herself to rejoice summer
Which she hates
She made herself comfortable with unknown faces
So now when the music of marriage was played
She knew to smile although she never knew dance against it
So 'What happens , happens for a reason'
& He - someone she wanted made her ready to marry someone who was best for her
Indian marriage Don't come as goal
They come as necessity
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