So the cycle she had seen was something like,
Often in a group a person adoring the other.
Often a loner finding a heart beat in a hello.
Often two strangers snapping a compliment.
Often like more often the TV displays,
Two people having the most annoying Talks,
Fights, Arguments and heart totally different
Falling in one place.
It all starts with knowing someone and then
Spending rather sharing the 24 hours with each other.
Ignoring the rest,
Ignoring the past.
And not blinking the eyes to future.
To spies things it also starts
Like one teaching lessons to other
And the other more than understanding the lessons
Understand the person chewing the pen, in the course of teaching.
But like they say,
"It happens at unexpected time with the unexpected."
It happened to her when she forgot the curves of his face.
It happened to her when she forgot what his vocal cords sounds like.
It happened to her when she forgot when was the last time she saw him.
It happened in the presence of distance.
No sharing of talks.
No sharing of life.
No sharing of hours.
"It all happens for a reason."
Sooner or later she finds reasons, all the reasons.
Not completely but at least to chill her alarm of thoughts.
But for this there's no reason still.
It all void and space.
Empty space holding just wind and life may be.
She has penned it all,
From Z to A
From A to Z
But reasons aren't anywhere in between them.
But it is there
With all that is needed to hold it to only one.
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