When her friend was confused with her heart and head
She had come to find her questions to her
"He cares for me
And does everything things possible to keep the peace and smile between us
But my heart finds the other boy adorable
The other boy is under the title 'good friend of mine'
But when it comes to keeping the only one
I don't have any idea."
"Love who loves you, your love for voids doesn't fill it."
You would loose all of you for the other boy
But it's like clouds raining all day but droughts still existing
So love the person who loves you
It's bit hard but,
Like we start loving complex maths problems post we have hands on them
In the same way our heart just starts loving that person
The person we are trying to understand
It's better to learn someone than to
Wait for someone else to learn you.
You know all the marriages are outcome of two things
Either arranged, first page of a story
Or final page of love story.
It's fine to heal out of love for love
It's enough here to be refilled fresh
Sometimes it too gets rusted
If not confident whether to keep the white or black
Just opt for grey
It's has both
If the green leaf is ready to leave but the dried ready to stay
Why not keep the dried
In the world of temporary
Permanent is too needed
Where you are accepted as whole of mistake and glories of tiny blossoms on the tree
Don't opt anything out of blue days
Take time
Let sun rise and moon sleep with you
A thousand times
But breathe and take all the time
To be with the right then with for whom you are right.
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