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Showing posts from February, 2019

Is there electricity failure ?

Sitting with her Adoring the stars She raised her tiny finger to the sky Point to one twinkling in the west "Mumma, does that star has name like me? It's so bright It's just like the one in my drawing book Small but bright." She had no good answer to it Besides smiling and saying "Yeah it does have a name but will ask her mom Just like you did ask Anne about her's." And thought clouds passed her He too was lost star Whom she was curious about But just as she was unaware of answer to her daughter question May be universe was unaware of the lost star Or may be she wasn't sure with her question It's true your parts are lost in the universe And she found the one Sitting right besides her Settling her life long raised questions "Mumma, that star is not there. Where did it go? Will the moon find him? Is there electricity failure?" Laughing to which she had said "They slept." And she said alot many t...

The lady she shouldn't have feared

She got mad at her more than the horns in the traffic She trained her more than the trainer of the clown She knew alot of her with no mind reading lessons, Absorbed hard under the lamp and the twinkling skies. She told to hold on to things Rather than running after her favorite clouds For clouds don't stay And you have no escape with your heart Listening to her wasn't in her playlist She wasn't even the song, on repeat till it dissolves with other in the crowd Throwing frowns to her lessons Throwing tantrums for the wants tagging needs Making her the emotional fool She thought she being the matured one But clowns know the best to distinguish between a smile and a frown Today standing on the road Surrounded by the town And loud voices trying to tune to the noise of the wind Was she thinking it was easy with Listening to her then a thousand vocal cords shouting on a single ear Her care was thought be overdramatic Her concerns were ignored saying th...


Talks beyond holding hands Were her secrets Where teens gossip of things That happen in attraction Places we visit when infatuated were normal But her talks beyond the healthy flirting Were not casual Getting ready for the date She was standing before the mirror To her the color of skin is quite attractive More than the other colors May it be any shade of skin It's breath taking That day when she came across the boy In hustle of getting her train She sensed him cute just for his look before this But now she just smelled him When he was close to her for micro second And for the first time in 23 years of her life She was talking about a boy, smelling good. A good beyond just talks A good much more than to be forgotten The kajal stroke went out of trail and There she was again, in the front of the mirror Dressed in peach, glossed brown The phone buzzed Breaking her thoughts of good fantasy world She chuckles to the words on the screen Gets her hair to...

I am keeping you

"I am keeping you..." She just blurted out Sensing her words she just changed the side of the bed And the discomfort was visible It wasn't the bed that wasn't comfortable It was her heart Beating hard Like yelling at her for keeping him She was setting all that was needed to set him free From the time they had met No literal connections Only two people who have seen each other. Exchange of talks enough that they can't be called strangers He wasn't walking to her But she felt he was walking a path more than just to be friends So trying to fix the puzzle now it was just another extra mile to walk to him She possibly throws all her tantrums to him Like he belongs to her   The stars that seem so near are miles apart The moon that seems white ball is black for the facts One sudden day When he seems everywhere She announced to have found the one It's tough to say 'No' to reality Fiction hold a part of the time not whole He ...

Confession waits no day

That face was just a face lost in crowd He was like other boys About whom she was least bothered Presence, absence all sounded the same If girls wonder around him Not a matter of concern or bothering Had never penned a word About what looks best on him About when he goes Gaga About when he goes mad About if he has friends like the naughty gang She often prefers checks over solid She for no good reason prefers a watch over bare wrist She prefers uncombed hairs over combed She often prefers shirts over tshirts But Things change Weather change  So did her heart She suddenly started getting annoyed for him being late She suddenly was bothered by the girl gang around him She suddenly was bothered by his presence and of course the absence She for the first time was bothered to find his hand in her hand Things change So did time Time did best to her heart But often love gets lost in distance She found her feelings to be real in spaces around her She had...

He shallows his love

He use to look for long in her eyes . She might be talking She might be busy with her hair She might be busy with broken footwear She might be sad of dress not being pretty like hers She might be nodding her head to the song in her ears She might be singing it loud for him to laugh But he was busy adoring her and at the same time He used to swallow something May be his love That often comes till the throat But fears her reaction to love It was a normal day And she was looking the worst in her own eyes She had just woke up and had not followed the daily routine of standing in front of the mirror for hours Just a uncombed pony tail Black sweater running long till her fingers And sleepy eyes She was out to see him and they did morning walks He wasn't jogging but walking slow excusing her with "My legs are paining" reason Accompanying his pace, she too was walking slow playing the pebble on the way And she caught him looking at her for the definit...

Choose the grey

When her friend was confused with her heart and head She had come to find her questions to her "He cares for me And does everything things possible to keep the peace and smile between us But my heart finds the other boy adorable The other boy is under the title 'good friend of mine' But when it comes to keeping the only one I don't have any idea." "Love who loves you, your love for voids doesn't fill it." You would loose all of you for the other boy But it's like clouds raining all day but droughts still existing So love the person who loves you It's bit hard but, Like we start loving complex maths problems post we have hands on them In the same way our heart just starts loving that person The person we are trying to understand It's better to learn someone than to  Wait for someone else to learn you. You know all the marriages are outcome of two things Either arranged, first page of a story Or final page of love ...

Pieces do have meaning

In the beginning of this piece She told herself let's not involve him The part is so temporary to her fairytale A fairytale wishing to be her destiny But then it never goes as per the plan Life has it's own climax Or may be it was his words- "I know you will never leave me." Don't know was this a good belief or Something that wasn't right. Out of the twelve They had just conversed for 4 months But like the water flows with pebbles and leaving alot of them It wasn't continuous It was rather bits of paper And may be time told her to take a deep breath A breath where no flags of his name No signals of him coming No sunrise and sunset giving birth to hope For the first time she was trying to give up completely Like ending a book with no climax and no Happy ending But just writing it's last page. Out of the bluemoon A friend of hers tossed a coin to decide on to him 6 months If it was in it, Good. And if not, no stories at ...